Oxford Village is Celebrating Chinese New Year

April 14, 2020

Join us for a wonderful Lion Dance performance.

Join us for a wonderful Lion Dance performance.

Join us as we welcome in good luck and fortune this Chinese New Year!

Lion Dance will be on the 24th of January, starting at 12:00 PM.

Chinese Zodiac New Year: 

Predictions for the Year of the Rat (2020)


2020 will be a year of new beginnings for those born in the year of the Rat. As the next cycle of the Chinese Zodiac begins, Rats should be open-minded to new opportunities and fresh starts in life. Use this time to reflect on your achievements in life so far: celebrate what you already have, while also identifying areas for growth.

By increasing social activity this year, Rats are likely to find themselves with new friends, potential lovers and stronger relationships at work. Existing relationships - particularly with family members - will also have the chance to be renewed and strengthened.

Rats should not shy away from the possibility of significant change at work in 2020. Despite what is set to be a very lucky and prosperous year, successes will no doubt be met with obstacles along the way. Relish these opportunities to be challenged, listen to the advice of colleagues and use the Rat’s innate wisdom and creative mind to approach hardship with a pragmatic mind. Take time and care in making big decisions, such as any professional changes or new investments, and use your natural leadership skills and care for others to make the Year of the Rat a success for all of those around you. 


For the Ox, 2020 will mark a significant year of personal development. Feeling more comfortable in your own skin, the Ox will spend more time hatching new plans and less time worrying about how they are perceived by others. Take delight in this newfound ease and use this extra time to learn new skills and to listen to the concerns of others.

This newfound confidence will also have repercussions on your love life, either in strengthening existing relationships or embarking on new ones. Be eager and active in romantic pursuits but take care in choosing a compatible companion. 

At work, your growing confidence will enhance your innovative approach to business, which will be met with admiration from your colleagues and further opportunities for personal development, which must be seized. For the Ox, 2020 could be a year of saving money and avoiding unnecessary expenses if you embrace the diligence and ambition needed to do so. Rejoice in your self-confidence, be grateful for the joy that life brings and be humble in your achievements, or you might find your luck starts to run out.


The Tiger is the most passionate and courageous of the Zodiacs. In order to harness the successes that 2020 will bring, the Tiger must continue to have faith in their decision making and resist self-doubt. Although the Tiger thrives under pressure, it is crucial that the Year of the Rat includes sufficient time for self-care and relaxation, or the Tiger risks burning out before the year is done. Impulsive and ruthless at times, the Tiger should use 2020 to nurture existing relationships and rekindle ones lost.

By learning to manage their frustration in the face of adversity, the Tiger will be rewarded with newfound wisdom and serenity in 2020, which will have positive repercussions on your working life. Try to resist letting your determination overshadow rational thought; be careful in career decisions and accept the support offered to you by others, particularly by mentors who have your best interests at heart.

In terms of romantic relationships, the Tiger would do well to let go of their naturally possessive nature and instead embrace trusting in others. If achieved, this shift in mindset will result in a new sense of calm and confidence - in both the self and in those around them - which will make for a happy and prosperous 2020.


In 2020, the Rabbit should prioritise a positive outlook on life above anything else. This year will be marked by equal amounts of luck and fortune as well as challenging obstacles. For this reason, it would be wise for the Rabbit to adopt a well-balanced lifestyle at the beginning of the year, in order to prepare for the twists and turns that 2020 might bring.

While work should continue on a steady trajectory, the Rabbit should embrace changes in personal relationships. New friends and mentors will appear when least expected and these support systems should be used during challenging times.

By reconnecting with nature, as well as oneself, 2020 for the Rabbit will be a key year for self-reflection and personal development. By socialising with people from all walks of life, the Rabbit will discover a newfound appreciation for people who are strikingly different from themselves, marking 2020 as a year for celebrating the variety of life. If the Rabbit is already in a romantic relationship, or just beginning one, be sure to show your appreciation and admiration for that person, and in turn, you will be blessed with lovers who truly care for you and your wellbeing.


The Dragon will assert their originality in all areas of life in 2020. By becoming surer of themselves and their ideas, the Dragon will exceed in expressing innovative ideas and progressive beliefs in both work and at home. This newfound individualism will be met with both admiration and resistance. In terms of dealing with the latter, it is crucial that the Dragon is willing to moderate any overly radical opinions and to tread carefully in debate so as not to offend others. Beware Dragons: by refusing to compromise on your ideas, you will end up antagonising those who are only trying to help you. 

In general, your confidence and intelligence will be acknowledged by those around you, particularly by superiors at work, which in turn might lead to professional advancement. If a friend or lover refers you for a new job, take care in committing to any big changes. In turn, this diligence will be rewarded with money making opportunities in the not so distant future. Be conscientious of your spending, save money for future investments and take courage in pursuing new social activities; the result of which will be finding new companions with whom you share similar interests and ideas. 


The Snake should be prepared for a life-changing year in 2020. By discovering new hobbies, enjoying new experiences and accumulating more close friends, the Snake will end the year with a better understanding of what they wish to achieve in life. 

The Snake’s natural generosity will express itself in the service of others; however, be careful that your kind and giving nature is not taken advantage of. If you are already in a romantic relationship, be sure to stick with that person through the rainier days; have faith that sunshine is on the horizon.

While the Snake is inclined to follow through with everything they undertake in terms of work, do not fear the idea of giving up on something, especially if doing so will grant you more happiness in the long run. Believe in the idea that others will trust your decision-making and will support you in whatever you do. Those that cannot do so are not worth having in your life. The troubles you encounter - in terms of money and work - will be overcome. Take note of what you learn from these experiences, as they will be valuable lessons for future obstacles.


The Horse should prepare for unexpected surprises in 2020. Despite their tendency to worry about the unknown, the Horse will do well to embrace unforeseen circumstances and react to them accordingly.

New opportunities at work might seem abundant. However, don’t expect current professional pressures to melt away with the acceptance of a new role. In fact, these concerns are more likely to increase. Instead of resisting challenge, embrace these obstacles and persevere in the face of hardship. The Horse - the most independent of the Chinese Zodiacs - demonstrates an impressive capacity for thinking and responding quickly to any given circumstance. Be sure to use this cunning mind and keen nature to tackle all professional problems head on.

Although the Horse’s choices usually work out for the best, in 2020 it is important to be wary of making any hot-tempered decisions, particularly in one’s love life. Be sincere and proactive in looking for new friends or romantic partners and try casting the social net wider in order to meet people with whom you share little common ground. You never know, you might find just what you were looking for.


The Sheep is often known as the most indecisive and anxious worrier of the Chinese Zodiacs. However, have no fear: 2020 is set to be a year of good wealth, health and travel for this Zodiac. An introvert by nature, the Sheep will observe a number of significant shifts in relation to their social circle, in which old friends may grow apart and new friends may appear. Embrace these changes with an open mind and forgiving heart; for these adjustments are natural and will allow you to grow as an individual.

As a result of the Sheep’s need to be loved by those around them, it is common for them to side with the majority in all areas of conversation. However, in order to experience a greater sense of individuality and freedom in 2020, the Sheep must make an active effort to use their wisdom and empathy to stand up for what they believe is right. In doing so, the Sheep may be noticed by superiors at work as someone to entrust with more responsibility, possibly resulting in a bigger salary or managing a larger team.

By balancing their work life and social activities, the Sheep will succeed in looking after both body and mind in 2020. Perhaps even consider planning a trip away with someone you love - either a friend, family member or romantic interest; for it is these experiences that you will remember forever.


For the Monkey - typically known as the fun-loving centre of attention - 2020 will be an opportunity to harness new skills as well as show off existing ones.

Although an active effort might be necessary to achieve certain professional goals in the upcoming year, if the Monkey is able to remain calm when confronted with challenges - and act rather than panic - then they will be rewarded with pragmatic solutions and effective outcomes. Such innovative behaviour will no doubt attract attention from those around them; but remember, indulging in arrogance will damage one’s relationships with colleagues. Be humble in accepting compliments, take note of constructive criticism and always think carefully before you speak. In turn, you will earn a reputable status at work, which may eventually lead to professional advancement.

Throughout next year, the Monkey should trust in the idea that life is a cycle of renewal and change: upheavals (particularly in terms of romantic relationships) might seem stressful at the time, but ultimately, they allow for personal growth and progress. True love might take longer to find; however, 2020 is a time to nurture the friendships and familial bonds that you consider most important.


Throughout 2020, it would be wise for the Rooster to focus predominantly on their relationships with other people.

Whether in work, love affairs or family life, the Rooster would do well to make decisions by first foreseeing the consequences they will have on the people around them. By making it their best interest to think of the needs of others, and being generous with their time and care, the Rooster is likely to be met with greater fortune, particularly in terms of successful investments.

Always proud of his fine feathers, there is a tendency for the Rooster’s pride to be misconceived as arrogance. However, 2020 is an apt opportunity to do away with these misgivings and demonstrate an empathetic nature and compassionate heart. By paying compliments when they are due, listening to the worries of others and keeping each and every promise, the Rooster might just find a companion (whether a lover or a friend) who will stand by them through thick and thin.

If a Rooster is struggling with a decision at work, don’t fear asking for the input of others: accept help when it is offered, trust in their advice and one will learn that life is much more enjoyable when you’ve got people supporting you on either side. 


The Dog’s honest and faithful nature will be rewarded by good luck in most areas of their life in 2020.

At work and at home, the Dog will continue to be the first to highlight any blatant wrongdoings. This honest and proactive response to injustice will be recognised by superiors at work, potentially resulting in greater professional responsibility. However, during 2020, the Dog would be wise to protect his own interests as much as he protects the interests of others, particularly in relation to romantic love. 

Desperate for the affection of others, the Dog might fall hopelessly in love with an ill-suited companion, who is likely to take advantage of the Dog’s selfless personality. As a result, the Dog would do well to not be distracted by appearance and superficiality in 2020, and instead to identify the qualities they most admire in another person. Be patient in finding the right person, and your patience will be rewarded. If the Dog is wise enough to adapt to new challenges that arise in 2020 - in both professional, familial and romantic circumstances - then the Dog will strengthen their sense of individuality, as well as develop two key qualities: the art of patience and the ability to make sensible decisions.


The Pig is predicted to experience an extremely lucky year in 2020. After a rather tumultuous 2019, the Pig will begin to feel more level-headed and self-assured as the Chinese New Year commences.

Honesty, purity and simplicity should be the Pig’s priorities in all aspects of life during the Year of the Rat. Take time to reconnect with nature, catch up with old friends and spend time doing activities you enjoy the most; particularly those you haven’t recently had time for.

Although significant changes at work might not be readily available, 2020 is an opportunity for the Pig to reset life. By harnessing their optimistic outlook in everything they do, the Pig can bring vast joy to those around them by focussing on the immediate present rather than the distant future.

The Pig is likely to be met with harsh competitors when looking for a romantic partner. However, it is important to acknowledge one’s own personal value and have faith that everything will work out for the best. Do not hesitate to appreciate the achievements of others, but also take time to acknowledge your own successes and admirable qualities. By showing extra courage in social situations and pursuing new friendships with vigour, 2020 will be a satisfying and fun-filled year for the Pig.

Join us as we welcome in good luck and fortune this Chinese New Year!

Lion Dance will be on the 24th of January, starting at 12:00 PM.

Chinese Zodiac New Year: 

Predictions for the Year of the Rat (2020)


2020 will be a year of new beginnings for those born in the year of the Rat. As the next cycle of the Chinese Zodiac begins, Rats should be open-minded to new opportunities and fresh starts in life. Use this time to reflect on your achievements in life so far: celebrate what you already have, while also identifying areas for growth.

By increasing social activity this year, Rats are likely to find themselves with new friends, potential lovers and stronger relationships at work. Existing relationships - particularly with family members - will also have the chance to be renewed and strengthened.

Rats should not shy away from the possibility of significant change at work in 2020. Despite what is set to be a very lucky and prosperous year, successes will no doubt be met with obstacles along the way. Relish these opportunities to be challenged, listen to the advice of colleagues and use the Rat’s innate wisdom and creative mind to approach hardship with a pragmatic mind. Take time and care in making big decisions, such as any professional changes or new investments, and use your natural leadership skills and care for others to make the Year of the Rat a success for all of those around you. 


For the Ox, 2020 will mark a significant year of personal development. Feeling more comfortable in your own skin, the Ox will spend more time hatching new plans and less time worrying about how they are perceived by others. Take delight in this newfound ease and use this extra time to learn new skills and to listen to the concerns of others.

This newfound confidence will also have repercussions on your love life, either in strengthening existing relationships or embarking on new ones. Be eager and active in romantic pursuits but take care in choosing a compatible companion. 

At work, your growing confidence will enhance your innovative approach to business, which will be met with admiration from your colleagues and further opportunities for personal development, which must be seized. For the Ox, 2020 could be a year of saving money and avoiding unnecessary expenses if you embrace the diligence and ambition needed to do so. Rejoice in your self-confidence, be grateful for the joy that life brings and be humble in your achievements, or you might find your luck starts to run out.


The Tiger is the most passionate and courageous of the Zodiacs. In order to harness the successes that 2020 will bring, the Tiger must continue to have faith in their decision making and resist self-doubt. Although the Tiger thrives under pressure, it is crucial that the Year of the Rat includes sufficient time for self-care and relaxation, or the Tiger risks burning out before the year is done. Impulsive and ruthless at times, the Tiger should use 2020 to nurture existing relationships and rekindle ones lost.

By learning to manage their frustration in the face of adversity, the Tiger will be rewarded with newfound wisdom and serenity in 2020, which will have positive repercussions on your working life. Try to resist letting your determination overshadow rational thought; be careful in career decisions and accept the support offered to you by others, particularly by mentors who have your best interests at heart.

In terms of romantic relationships, the Tiger would do well to let go of their naturally possessive nature and instead embrace trusting in others. If achieved, this shift in mindset will result in a new sense of calm and confidence - in both the self and in those around them - which will make for a happy and prosperous 2020.


In 2020, the Rabbit should prioritise a positive outlook on life above anything else. This year will be marked by equal amounts of luck and fortune as well as challenging obstacles. For this reason, it would be wise for the Rabbit to adopt a well-balanced lifestyle at the beginning of the year, in order to prepare for the twists and turns that 2020 might bring.

While work should continue on a steady trajectory, the Rabbit should embrace changes in personal relationships. New friends and mentors will appear when least expected and these support systems should be used during challenging times.

By reconnecting with nature, as well as oneself, 2020 for the Rabbit will be a key year for self-reflection and personal development. By socialising with people from all walks of life, the Rabbit will discover a newfound appreciation for people who are strikingly different from themselves, marking 2020 as a year for celebrating the variety of life. If the Rabbit is already in a romantic relationship, or just beginning one, be sure to show your appreciation and admiration for that person, and in turn, you will be blessed with lovers who truly care for you and your wellbeing.